2023-12-25 12:36:20 -

2023-12-24 12:24:31 -

2023-12-18 20:51:59 -
外观颜值:特别棒 材质手感:还是很不错的 容量空间:空间大,位置足,美中不足就是有点紧 做工细节:没有看到细节不完美的地方 适用场合:任何场合

2023-12-22 08:07:32 -

2023-12-21 12:54:43 -

2023-12-16 15:04:36 -

2023-12-22 06:38:59 -
感觉还可以,应该挺好的,面料是防雨的,然后十四寸电脑刚刚好,不能再大了,再大就放不下了,不放东西有一点塌,也还算可以,个人能接受的那种塌吧。。看起来没有之前中性书包结实,毕竟女式的,更侧重于外观了。 外观颜值:外观好看

2023-12-28 22:23:30 -

2023-12-15 23:36:09 -

2023-12-22 01:45:10 -



作者: 華西車城

祠堂街, 算是成都一條著名的老街。因位於, 舊時少城, 官宦社區。有關它的故事, 從日常到典故, 自然會在老成都們的筆下浮現。引經據典, 或外加嚴格的考證, 這樣的文章, 總能讓成都人, 更多了解它的歷史。除了增加關於故鄉的知識之外, 卻並沒有十分打動人心的那種親切。

直到最近, 朋友嫻, 一篇, 《如夢如幻的紫羅蘭》, 突然讓我發現, 每個與之有丁點瓜葛的成都人, 其實都有屬於自己的祠堂街故事。如果不是水吧, 那就會是其它。我的故事從很小的時候就開始了 ……

舊時的祠堂街, 好像東至西御街, 西至小南街。直到成都的門臉, 蜀都大道東幹道建成以後, 它才被縮短到了少城公園的大門口。全長也就一二百米了, 短短的祠堂街, 有點像附近省委所據的商業街。巨大的梧桐枝繁葉茂, 一到夏天, 整條街便成綠茵隧道。知了鳴叫與市民川流, 祠堂街的的確確算得上是成都的鬧市之一。兩排梧桐樹的身後, 遍布商家和門市, 早在改革開放之前, 就已經可以領略臨街店面的重要商業價值。

可以通公交車的三條大馬路, 逆時針算, 西御街、東城根街和祠堂街, 它們在半邊橋街頂交匯。當時的半邊橋, 雖然也有街的稱呼, 但完全不能與前三條相提並論, 根本不通公交車。就算騎自行車, 人多的時候, 還只能下來推著走。是名副其實的菜市場, 不曾忘記津津有味的二姐兔丁, 就在半邊橋。

二路無軌電車東西方向暢通而過, 五路汽車卻要在這裡轉個尖尖的銳角。每當乘坐五路汽車經過祠堂街, 兒時, 我總要提前跑到駕駛室前面, 手扶引擎蓋前的欄杆, 欣賞駕駛員急速搬動方向盤的大動作。尤其驚嘆女司機搶眼的技能, 全車乘客倒向一邊的離心力, 似乎絲毫不影響女司機。以致回家以後, 還會嘴裡嘟嘟發出馬達的仿真音響, 雙手誇張地迅速交換, 儼然自己也掌握了駕馭客車急轉彎的本領。

當年, 父親就職的單位在杜甫草堂附近, 而母親卻在五世同堂上班, 外婆與小舅仍住九眼橋。青羊宮到游泳池, 通惠門到九眼橋。二路無軌和五路公交, 是我兒時乘坐最多的線路。我們當時的路線圖就是這麼三角轉換來著。祠堂街是二換五的節點, 從草堂進城, 通常也是在這裡下車。從這裡去新華書店, 百貨大樓, 人民商場, 乃至春熙路, 盡在步行距離範圍。

成都市最重要的公園, 當屬人民公園。其正門, 就在祠堂街西頭。上小學的時候, 從水碾河步行至此, 距離也算夠得上拉練一說。肩扛紅纓槍, 脖子上沒有媽媽織的開司米, 而是富於時代感的紅巾巾。我們糊里糊塗, 在人民公園門口的拱橋上, 留下了童年的一幀最具紀念意義的照片。

祠堂街上, 有成都市工藝美術社。它曾經是市二輕局的下屬單位, 就是這個單位, 居然就與我的家人有關。

其一, 遠房表姐的丈夫, 曾是一位功力不錯的畫師。當年為工藝美術社主畫幻燈片。媽媽學繡枕套, 用了足球棋盒子上面的畫, 盒面上, 胖胖的足球小弟, 讓表姐夫再創作以後, 經過媽媽的巧手, 我便有了一個彌足珍貴的足球枕套。


其二, 舅媽與舅舅剛剛摘掉右派帽子回到成都的艱難日子裡, 舅媽這位昔日的學霸, 日後的高級工程師, 曾經不得不給這家美術社, 畫計件絹扇維持生計。舅媽的工筆劃水平非常了得, 當時她的作品, 都是出口創彙的寶貝, 我想得到一張, 還得等出口轉內銷才行。

其三, 有個表舅, 就是當時的二輕局長。

雖然常來常往, 祠堂街對於我而言, 還僅僅只算是過客而已。

時光進入上世紀八十年代初, 我已經大學畢業。步入社會, 再次與祠堂街有了交集。祠堂街北面成片的少城民居, 活生生讓幹道建設拉開一條口子。寬闊的大馬路有了一個懷舊的名字, 少城路。我所供職的單位, 就分得一個少城路九號的門牌號碼。單位辦公室, 八層高樓雄踞路北, 遙望人民公園, 俯視祠堂街。

工作、學習、戀愛、生活、直至留洋, 朝起朝落, 日復一日, 年復一年, 就在祠堂街邊一晃將近十年。終於, 祠堂街與自己算是有了瓜葛, 因而便有了資格講述自己的祠堂街故事。

祠堂街上, 首選景點當然是人民公園。我們工作的那些年, 都懂得鍛煉身體。人民公園, 自然是晨練佳地。與如今不同的是, 出入公園需要銀子, 買門票。月薪四十五元五毛的工程技術人員, 不在乎每天買門票的開銷, 說起來估計相信的人不多。逃票入園鍛煉的正人君子, 在我們中間也不多。真正解決的辦法就是買年票, 也就是當下推銷商品時大叫的跳樓價, 折扣以後的年票, 能夠讓我們這些初出茅廬的工薪層可以負擔健身的開銷。一九八四年的年票, 居然還讓我給帶來了北美, 留下做個青蔥歲月的念想到是理所當然。

祠堂街南側的店鋪, 為了給人民公園的綠色露臉, 被坼之前, 整條街道商舖林立。百貨、五金、書店、藥房、水吧、銀行、影院、相館、糧店……, 樣樣不少。打過交道的, 也不在少數。上成都晚報的新聞, 我也有份。

逛小百貨店, 在日常生活中皆屬常態, 根本記不清光顧的次數。旁邊的藥店來的次數不多, 每次都是, 偷偷摸摸而來, 事成之後便迅速離去。讀者絕不可胡亂想像, 來此並不為行竊, 因為該店遵照國策, 免費發放計劃生育物品, 隔三岔五我便偷偷來領一回。這裡離單位實在太近, 肯定有被同事看見, 背後笑話的事情。不過, 我不知道, 就算沒人看見罷了。

祠堂街東北角的四川電影院, 也是成都響噹噹的去處。除了自己買票看電影外, 國營企業還有一個福利, 人情全由工會做了, 時不時的會給員工發電影票。對號入座, 天經地義, 由於科室裡管發電影票的, 是同齡女青年, 我們一幫男生常常拿得好位子而不知福。哪裡有註意過同事女青年們的票位, 不是銀幕下的仰視席位, 便是左右斜眼席。後來聽說, 人家是在與這一撥工科男套近乎。可惜我們太愚笨, 現在明白過來, 還應該給人家一個遲到的感謝。

一天, 在祠堂街辦完事兒, 剛好路過這影院門口, 突然人頭攢動, 人們都擁到我的身邊。扭頭一看才發現, 從影院裡出來一奇女子, 正好從我面前走過。那年代, 有影星稱謂的演員沒有幾個, 一眼便看出是張瑜。她, 正好來成都宣傳影片《廬山戀》。讓我碰個正著, 當時的感覺就是, 那麼美妙的《廬山戀》, 與現實相距太遙遠。張瑜濃濃妝扮下, 與劇中, 國軍將領的女兒周筠, 完全不能劃等號。到是後來某一天, 在辦公室樓下公交車站, 碰見淡妝等車的潘虹, 才收回些對女明星的不屑。

祠堂街的工藝美術社, 後來變成了成都美術圖片社。估計辦理各類證件的時候, 沒少來此地拍攝標準像。自然, 不是貼天安門城樓, 或者鬧市內宣牆上用。大概統統上了工作證、結婚證、工會會員證、工程師證、人民公園年票、峨影錦城藝術宮內片觀摩證、准考證、借書證……。

出國那年, 特意帶女兒來這裡照下一張伴我洋插隊一寸彩片。直到如今, 女兒都成人了, 我的皮包裡還是這一張祠堂街像館的作品, 一晃已經二十八年了。

祠堂街的銀行里, 有我們開的獨生子女帳戶。每月扣繳父母各五元, 直至孩子十四歲。存款從工資裡每月自動扣除, 出國以後, 從來沒有回過這家銀行, 停薪留職, 何時起止, 自己都不知道。如何扣繳獨生子女費也是個謎, 孩子早過了十四歲, 估計這帳戶裡邊的銀子, 也該是煙消雲散了。

祠堂街與少城路轉角的糧店, 是我們定點的糧站, 糧油米麵購買證都挂靠在這家。時常光顧, 除了購糧, 還有在它利用黃金口岸新增糕點販賣服務上花銷的經歷。花著花著, 有一天, 竟將這個小糧店花上了《成都晚報》。

一天深夜, 我已經迷迷糊糊, 睡意正酣。隱約聽見單身宿舍微微的敲門聲, 翻身下床開門一看, 原來是女友半倚半靠門邊, 面如死灰, 頓時嚇得我七竅生煙, 連忙背她去到宿舍區的醫務室。趕緊半夜敲門把單位的醫生找來, 女友腹瀉不停, 完全是中毒症兆。馬上去到實業街的第二門診部住院治療, 折騰一夜,剛剛回到單位, 自己也開始渾身乏力, 同樣開始腹瀉, 與女友的情況出入一撤。醫生很快便斷定是食物中毒, 問診的結果非常容易, 我們雙雙享用了對面糧店出售的奶油包。就在同一天, 單位還有一位同事也是食用了這家糧店的食品, 發生類似症候。

一連數人食物中毒, 事情演變成了事件。上帝沒有被驚動, 卻驚動了《成都晚報》的記者。第二天便出了報導, 採訪我們的時候, 已經元氣漸回, 沒有追究糧店什麼責任。糧店領導親臨單位慰問壓驚, 免費又提供不少補品, 可是在這節骨眼上, 哪有胃口消受, 又哪有膽量消受呢。

這一截短短的祠堂街, 在我生命的長河中, 竟然也濺起過幾朵浪花。就算到了地球的另一邊, 就算到了新時代, 依然可以回眸那淡淡的白色, 它歸於寧靜, 似乎什麼也沒發生過。

They are the only shoes hubby wears. He really likes them.
- Liberia

I love these shoes. This is my 3rd pair of them. Very comfortable
- Switzerland

They arrived quickly and as described.... I like the comfort and the colors....
- Singapore

My husband likes these and this is like the 4th pair I have ordered as he wears them out.
- Switzerland

These are the the most comfortable shoes and my second pair of this particlar model. I wore the first out.
- Liberia

My 5th pair of Monarch IV. Always a good fit and comfortable. The leather uppers allow me to wear in cooler weather.
- Switzerland

I have flat feet so I need a shoe that doesn't have a large arch for me this is why I buy this sneakers, I can tell you good quality.
- Singapore

My husband has wore this brand for awhile now. We normally got them from JC Penney's but found them on for a lower price. Happy with the purchase.
- Singapore

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Singapore

This is my husband's favorite shoe for comfort! He wears them for 'good' and when his older ones wear out, he rotates the newer one for work, and orders a new pair. He says they provide him with the perfect amount of support!
- Singapore

2024-01-12 08:58:15--
The headphones are exquisite in workmanship, small and convenient to carry, with good sound quality, no delay, no current sound and strong endurance.

2024-01-12 08:57:59--
The sound quality is very good, it is comfortable to wear, the endurance is very good, and the workmanship is also very good, which is very satisfactory.

2024-01-12 08:55:31--
The bluetooth headset is very easy to use, the quality and workmanship are very good, and there is no discomfort after wearing it for a long time. Sound quality is good, no lag and no noise when listening to music.

2024-01-12 08:54:49--
Express delivery is fast, packaging is intact, delivery is fast, service attitude is good, workmanship is particularly textured, the sound quality and sound effect of Bluetooth earphones are particularly good, and wearing them is particularly comfortable

2024-01-12 08:53:24--
Seem great upon first look.

2024-01-12 08:51:51--
Very fast shipping, quality good !

2024-01-12 08:47:56--
Great , good quality

2024-01-12 08:46:54--
really good to be fair. very surprised

2024-01-12 08:46:07--
Excellent. Very prompt UK shipping and great quality

2024-01-12 08:45:55--
Great quality definitely buy again very fast shipment

2024-01-04 19:04:19--
The sneakers are amazing. I ordered on June 6th 2021 and received them June 23rd 2021. u will definitely order more from this seller.

2024-01-04 19:04:07--
Shoes version is very good, with jeans casual pants is also very good-looking, cost-effective shoes, like the people can get it

2024-01-04 19:02:55--
good quality and the look 1:1

2024-01-04 19:01:22--
Parfait livraison rapide juste quelques points de colle qui dépasse merci

2024-01-04 19:01:16--
I am 42, I took 42 and it's too big! Take one with two sizes below yours! Otherwise very good quality

2024-01-04 18:55:32--
In the middle

2024-01-04 18:53:58--
Was good with the order. But the updates on the orders are to way to slow.

2024-01-04 18:51:31--
Is a good Item.

2024-01-04 18:51:03--
Shoe looks great

2024-01-04 18:50:29--
as described

2024-01-04 18:47:57--
Shoes came in 2 weeks looks like the real deal!!

2024-01-04 18:45:14--
Amazing quality and detail for the money. All logos and such are where they are supposed to be. Definitely will be ordering more.

2024-01-04 18:44:35--
You did it again my brovaaaa no flaws no box shoes came a little banged up but nothing a wet towel iron can’t fix. Perfect sneakers shipping longer than usual still waiting on my retro 6 hares but love them !!

2024-01-04 18:43:24--
Thank god for ppl like y’all lol shoe is spot on it just a little bit lite with the weight of the shoe but spot on

2024-01-04 18:41:32--
The slides were very good. The foam runners had a very strong smell and they looks more fake .

2024-01-04 18:39:54--
I like it very much

2024-01-04 18:38:46--
Thanks, looks like original

2024-01-04 18:38:16--
I received it, I really like it

2024-01-04 18:37:21--
excellent verry good beautiful

2024-01-04 18:37:02--
Really a pleasant shopping experience

2024-01-04 18:35:52--
Very nice very comfortable will purchase again

2024-01-04 18:33:07--
took 2 weeks to get here, came in a box but the box was damaged. shoe is great

2024-01-04 18:33:00--
Excellent slides! will be ordering more. thanks alot! I usually wear size US10M in sneakers, Slides pictured are size US11M.

2024-01-04 09:16:42--
I loved these!! I’ll definitely order again

2024-01-04 09:14:44--
The great product, I arrive before the date indicated 3 weeks late.

2024-01-04 09:04:33--
The earrings look great and have weight to them and feels and looks identical to the real ones.

2024-01-04 09:02:23--
They work absolutely great only problem is one airpod wouldn’t work

2024-01-04 09:01:37--
Easy to use, sound quality is very good.

2024-01-04 09:01:14--
Affordable, high quality, a very good shopping.

2024-01-04 09:01:13--
Fast and stable connection, good sound quality.

2024-01-04 09:01:12--
They are like the real thing and sound amazing!

2024-01-04 08:59:48--
The operation is simple, easy to use, and the sound quality is very good.

2024-01-04 08:58:49--
The quality is good and the delivery is fast. I like it very much and it is well received.

2024-01-04 08:57:33--
Good texture, smooth touch, excellent sound quality, satisfying listening to songs and playing games, good comfort and long battery life.

2024-01-04 00:04:05--
I understand it’s a duplicate/replica but something’s are missing such as stitching, gold buttons in the inside and date tag in the inside

2024-01-04 00:03:06--
Received in three days. Great quality!

2024-01-03 23:56:50--
Took a little long but the wait was worth it

2024-01-03 23:55:46--
I received something and the quality is great.

2024-01-03 23:54:34--
Great communication, great quality and fast shipping. Love it!

2024-01-03 23:54:01--
Great quality. Wish shipping could have been faster . Other than that , no complaints.

2024-01-03 23:53:25--
I cant believe but theyapos;re really great.i thinking about this is very good products.

2024-01-03 23:50:43--
Absolutely LOVE!! such great quality came in 2 weeks! will absolutely order again!

2024-01-03 23:47:38--
Satisfied, consistent with the description, support this store

2024-01-03 23:46:06--
Fabulous !

2024-01-03 23:29:23--
Nice bracelet but did not come In Packaging also came undone well I was wearing it hope it’s not going to be a continuous issue??

2024-01-03 23:29:13--
Size is pretty small. Close to the actual Cartier but you can tell it’s replica.

2024-01-03 23:27:35--
Fiancé loved it

2024-01-03 23:27:21--
very good quality

2024-01-01 00:52:30--
Beautiful ring I’m in love the quality is great

2024-01-01 00:52:17--
Satisfied with this purchase. Pretty ring. Beautiful effect.

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 793 reviews)

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